
NSFW exchange between Mitch Marner and referee

We all heard it!



We've all heard some less than family friendly language while watching professional sports, especially given the fact that national broadcasts intentionally have microphones placed close to the playing surface and even on the athletes and referees themselves. 

During last night's game at Detroit's Little Caesars Arena between the Original 6 rivals Detroit Red Wings and Toronto Maple Leafs, a colorful exchange was heard between Leafs forward Mitch Marner and the on-ice official. Apparently, Marner though that Red Wings forward Jonatan Berggren should have been penalized for not dropping his broken stick in quick enough fashion, though his sentiment wasn't shared. And we all the got the full earful.

Fast forward to 9:37: 

The Red Wings would ultimately break their losing skid against the Leafs, triumphing by a 4-1 final score. 

Source: Twitter