Patrick Kane snaps at the officiating on Sunday night.

Patrick Kane snaps at the officiating on Sunday night.

Patrick Kane lost his cool with the National Hockey League's officials on Sunday.

Jonathan Larivee

If you haven't been happy with the officiating in tonight's game between the Detroit Red Wings and Anaheim Ducks, don't worry you're not alone.

On Sunday night, Red Wings forward Patrick Kane earned himself a rare unsportsmanlike conduct penalty when he simply lost his cool with the officials after they failed to make a call.

Kane was frustrated due to the fact that he was being interfered with quite significantly by Anaheim Ducks veteran defenseman Ross Johnston, a much bigger man. Johnston gave Kane a poke with the blade of his stick in front of the Ducks net, prevented Kane from skating up the ice with his stick once the play had gone back the other way, and even put Kane in a headlock in front of the Red Wings bench all without the officials blowing the whistle.

Kane, despite his many years of experience in the NHL, simply blew a gasket and said something to the officials that they didn't seem to care for. Here's a look at the replay: