Patrick Kane turning down teams as signing nears

Patrick Kane turning down teams as signing nears

“He culls the herd…”



There could be an announcement on a Patrick Kane signing at any point this month. His agent Pat Brisson recently revealed that his client would choose where to sign during the current month of November after rehabbing from hip resurfacing surgery he underwent in June and how Kane has started talking to NHL teams.

Several insiders have pointed to the New York Rangers, Florida Panthers, Detroit Red Wings, Buffalo Sabres and Toronto Maple Leafs as potential fits, but Sportsnet’s Elliotte Friedman reveals Kane’s strategy as he will begin to turn down some interested parties.

“Sounds like there are about eight teams somewhat seriously looking at Patrick Kane. As he culls the herd, he’s going to ask: Where do I think I can win?”

Frank Seravalli of Daily Face-Off also believes Kane will pick the best landing spot in order to win a fourth championship in his career, the free agent forward could also be tempted by a longer contract that his hometown Sabres could offer him.

“I think Buffalo is uniquely positioned to be able to do that and they’ve got the cap space; more than $6 million and they’ve got the long-term view with a lot of their guys locked up. They could be able to say hypothetically, “We can throw $5 million at Patrick Kane for three years” and does that entice him to come home and help this team make the playoffs?”

Kane could also ruled out other teams and focus on the Panthers whom he watched go on a run to the Stanley Cup Final last year or the Red Wings where he could play once again with star forward Alex DeBrincat as Detroit has the chance to build into a contender.

Seravalli dives into Kane’s mind and asks the questions that will basically determine what Showtime needs to clarify before signing on the dotted line with one team.

“The thing that they’re talking about internally is do we take security, and it’s not the money, it’s do we take a multi-year deal somewhere and then go with the idea of this is a team on the rise and we can stay here for a bit and finish my career here. Or do you take a short-term, short-money deal, based on what these teams can offer like the Rangers and go for a one-year, one-million type of deal on a team that has an authentic chance at winning the cup this year?”

Chris Johnston on his end, speaking on Insider Trading on TSN Thursday hinting at all the same teams though he believes Kane will look to stay out in East.

“ I think his list of teams is somewhere between three-to-five range at this point in time. One thing they seem to share in common, at least from my sources, is that they all seem to be based in the Eastern Conference.”

I guess we will find out Kane’s answer sooner rather than later…

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