Paul Maurice DESTROYS rival players for being divas.

Paul Maurice DESTROYS rival players for being divas.

Please Paul show them some mercy!



If you're a San Jose Sharks player right now you're probably more than a little angry and maybe even more embarrassed. 

On Tuesday Winnipeg Jets head coach Paul Maurice absolutely destroyed the Sharks roster when he was asked a question regarding some complaints Sharks' players had allegedly made about Winnipeg. 

Maurice acknowledged that he had only heard the information second had, at that from what he gathered the Sharks' players had complained about things being both "cold and dark" in Winnipeg, but that was more than enough for him to tear them apart. 

Maurice went on to effectively call out the Sharks for being divas, stating that no player, training or even referee should ever have any room to complain about a day they spend in the National Hockey League. 

Maurice then mocked players who complain about the "thread counts in their hotel room not being right," and their "frappuccuinos not being frothed correctly," to really demonstrate just how absurd he thinks the whining from the Sharks players truly is. 

He summed up the 45 second rant perfectly as well. 

"My point being, we got nothing to complain about, we live a good life, every day."

Unfortunately for the Sharks, your typical blue collar NHL fan is likely going to find themselves agreeing a lot more with the level-headed coach than the players on this one. 
