Peter DeBoer sounds off on the mass shooting in Allen, Texas.

Peter DeBoer sounds off on the mass shooting in Allen, Texas.

Peter DeBoer shared his thoughts on a situation that has struck very close to home for the head coach of the Dallas Stars.

Jonathan Larivee

The state of Texas was rocked by tragedy this weekend when a deranged mass shooter went on a rampage at a mall in Allen, Texas. In total 8 innocent people are believed to have been killed with 7 more injured as a result of the killer's horrific actions, and unsurprisingly the tragedy has had a profound impact on the hockey team that calls the state of Texas it's home.

Not only are the Dallas Stars based out of Texas, but on Sunday Stars head coach Peter DeBoer revealed just how close to home this particular tragedy had hit for the Stars.

"Yeah," said DeBoer when asked if he had shopped at the mall in the past. "That mall... family's been there, family shops there, players go there."

It's not hard to imagine why DeBoer would be shaken up by the incident given that his own family has been to that very location in the past.

"Frankly when you hear victims as young as 5 years old you get tired of hearing it," said a shaken DeBoer.

In a great show of class, DeBoer also expressed concern for the Allen Americans, the ECHL affiliate team of the Ottawa Senators  that is based out of Allen, Texas. As DeBoer described it, the Americans play just "5 minutes away" from the scene of the incident, one more factor that made it hit particularly close to home for the Stars head coach.

For DeBoer's full comments on the tragedy, you can hear him in his own words in the short clip below: