Report: Michkov set to meet with only certain teams ahead of Draft
Zuma Press  

Report: Michkov set to meet with only certain teams ahead of Draft

Thanks but no thanks, says the top prospect.



It's difficult to get a read on the situation with 2023 Draft prospect Matvei Michkov.

The 18 year old Russian forward is a top prospect for the upcoming draft, but there's a sense out there that he's being picky and choosy with which teams he would consider signing a contract with. There have been reports that he has refused to meet with some teams ahead of the drafts and that he has explicitly told them not to bother drafting him.

Then Michkov's agent refuted these reports and said that his client will meet with any team and is simply excited to begin a career in the NHL. Today, NHL insider Bob McKenzie confirmed that Michkov will arrive in the United States in the next day or so and will begin meeting with teams picking in the draft's top 10.

More from McKenzie:

Michkov has all the skill and talent to be considered a top 3 pick, but it remains to be seen where he ends up going on draft day. There's no denying the fact that the lure of the KHL in Michkov's native Russia is a factor in his draft stock. He could turn around and sign a five year deal in the KHL tomorrow and no one would really bat an eye. Michkov's friends and teammates though all state how badly Michkov wants to play in the NHL to test himself against the world's best players. 

Personally, I feel like there are just two many talented players at the top end of this draft to use your pick on a player who hasn't committed to playing with your franchise. If I'm a team picking in the top 10 of this draft, I'd be holding at least a couple interviews with Michkov and I'd want to get certainty on his plans before calling his name on the draft floor.

Whoever does get Michkov and convinces him to sign an NHL deal though will getting a steal of a player. A top 3 talent who will likely fall in the draft given his birth certificate. He'll be a major pick up for one lucky team.

Source: Bob McKenzie