Robby Fabbri busted open after hit from Rasmus Ristolainen.

Robby Fabbri busted open after hit from Rasmus Ristolainen.

The often injured Detroit Red Wings forward was once again helped off the ice on Saturday night.

Jonathan Larivee

The Detroit Red Wings have unfortunately seen this movie before.

On Saturday night, often injured Red Wings forward Robby Fabbri was once again shaken up when he was on the receiving end of a questionable hit from Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Rasmus Ristolainen. Ristolainen caught Fabbri behind the net roughly midway through the game's third period and it was obvious that Fabbri was not alright.

The Red Wings forward was not only leaking all over the ice following the hit, but he was also very unsteady on his skates as he struggled to remain on his feet despite help from trainers on the ice. Fabbri would make his way off the ice, with assistance, but would remain hunched over and clutched and his head the entire time.

It's no surprise that Fabbri was favoring his head, the hit from Ristolainen clearly caught the smaller Red Wings forward up high as evidenced by both the video replay as well as the cut to Fabbri's head.

Here it is again close up and slowed down: