Rumor: NHL team targets Patrick Roy for head coaching job.

Rumor: NHL team targets Patrick Roy for head coaching job.

The legendary NHL goaltender may have earned himself another shot behind an NHL bench.

Jonathan Larivee

A legend of the National Hockey League may be close to making a return.

It has been a long time since we have seen legendary goaltender Patrick Roy in the NHL in any capacity, but it sounds like his recent success in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League may be about to change that. Roy and his Quebec Remparts captured a QMJHL championship this season and are currently dominating the memorial cup, with Roy earning plenty of accolades for the job he has done behind the bench.

Roy of course has previously coached in the NHL as well and it sounds like his recent run of success as a coach may earn him another stint behind the bench. Although nothing has been officially confirmed, on Saturday night NHL insider Elliotte Friedman hinted at the fact that at least one NHL team may be looking to bring Roy in as a head coach.

"I'm still trying to get a hold on where they are going here... and if there's one team I believe that may have reached out to talk to Patrick Roy I think it might be the Blue Jackets."

Roy has previously coached in the NHL with 3 seasons behind the bench of his former team, the Colorado Avalanche. Roy found limited success during his tenure with only 1 playoff appearance over those 3 seasons, and that was a first round exit. Since then however he has been a successful coach in the QMJHL and has no doubt accumulated a wealth of experience during that time.

Roy certainly has his current team playing well, and it sounds like the Blue Jackets are hoping he will be able to replicate that for them at the NHL level.