Rumor: Patrick Kane down to 2 teams, decision expected shortly.
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Rumor: Patrick Kane down to 2 teams, decision expected shortly.

NHL insider shares the latest update on where Patrick Kane is headed this season.

Jonathan Larivee

There is a growing sense that a decision is rapidly approaching on the Patrick Kane front, and on Saturday night National Hockey League insider Elliotte Friedman confirmed as much.

Speaking during intermission on Hockey Night in Canada, Friedman revealed that he expects a decision in the very near future in spite of the fact that information has been hard to come by.

"I think we're gonna have an idea early this week where he is leaning and what he's going to do," said Friedman on Saturday night. "Kane to his credit has made this very challenging, tougher than an escape room to figure out where he's going."

The question on everyone's mind of course is where will Kane sign? Friedman named a pair of NHL teams that you may want to keep your eyes on, with them likely being frontrunners and perhaps even the only candidates remaining at this stage.

"A lot of us have speculated Florida but I believe another team that he has collected a lot of information about is Detroit," revealed Friedman.

The signing of Kane will be interesting on two fronts, both the help he will be able to bring to a contending team as well as the risk that team will be taking in signing him. While Kane is a well established superstar in the NHL, he is coming off a surgical procedure that has spelled the end of many a hockey players' career, and no one truly knows what kind of condition Kane will be in coming off of that surgery.