Shocking update in the Mitch Marner carjacking case.

Shocking update in the Mitch Marner carjacking case.

A stunning development has occurred in the Mitch Marner carjacking case from May of 2022.

Jonathan Larivee

A stunning, and quite frankly disappointing, update has just come down in the Mitch Marner carjacking case.

An unbelievable report from the Toronto Star has now confirmed that the charges levied against Christon Arman Johnson, 26, and Anas Adan Farah, 23 have been dropped by the prosecuting attorney. The two men were arrested by law enforcement nearly a year after the original incident occurred, but it now appears that whatever police work led to those arrests was not sufficient to result in a conviction in court.

It would seem that those involved in the case have been aware of this for some time, with a crown prosecutor reportedly informing the judge in the case that "there’s not a reasonable prospect of conviction" all the way back in October of 2023.

In the original incident Marner and his fiancee at the time Stephanie LaChance, the couple is now married, were victims of an armed robbery at the hands of three men armed with guns and knives. Marner's 2021 Land Rover was stolen at the time, but thankfully neither Marner nor LaChance were harmed as a result of the robbery.

The third suspect in the robbery was never apprehended by law enforcement although, given today's news, it does not seem like that would have made much of a difference.