Sidney Crosby drops the gloves in preseason game!

Sidney Crosby drops the gloves in preseason game!

Sidney Crosby drops his gloves in a very rare instance of fighting from the captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Jonathan Larivee

You don't expect to see a fight involving Sidney Crosby when you tune in to watch the Pittsburgh Penguins, and especially not during the National Hockey League's preseason, but that is exactly what fans got on Friday night.

Crosby took on Buffalo Sabres forward Peyton Krebs last night in what is a very rare instance of fighting from the captain of the Penguins after Crosby took exception to a hit that was delivered on Penguins teammate Kris Letang. Letang was sandwiched behind the net by the aforementioned Krebs and Sabres forward Tyson Jost, and Crosby reacted almost immediately by going after Krebs.

Crosby delivered a crosscheck to the Sabres forward and made it very clear that he was ready to throw down, and Krebs responded by dropping the globes for what was a relatively uneventful fight. It was Crosby who threw what appeared to be the only punch of the fight, one that didn't really seem to connect, and it was enough to send Krebs down to the ice in the turtle position where he would remain until the officials came in to seperate the two men.

It was very uncharacteristic of Crosby, especially risking injury during a preseason game, but perhaps the captain of the Penguins is looking to send a message that his team won't be pushed around this season.

Second angle from the crowd: