Stanley Cup contender Head Coach to be fired?
Keystone Press  

Stanley Cup contender Head Coach to be fired?

About time?



For the past 5 seasons, the Saint-Louis Blues reached the playoff. If they were far from favorite in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012, they became more of a threat as the seasons went. For the last two years, lots of hockey experts gave the Saint-Louis Blues the Stanley Cup in their prior-to-the-season prediction. After consecutive unsuccessful years, some have gave up on the Blues and said their window is closed, especially since they weren't able to retain David Backes.

Benjamin Hochman from the St-Louis Post-Dispatch suggests that it might be time for the Blues to fire their head coach Ken Hitchcock. While a 7-5-3 isn't so bad, it's obviously not what is expected from a Stanley Cup contender team. Hitchcock had already confirmed that this year was his last and Mike Yeo is already in the organization as the rightful successor. 

Hochman, in his article, mentionned that the lack of discipline his team has shown so far might be a way to show their head coach the exit. The analyst also stated Hitchcock's line-jumbling and his actual lack of solution as precursor signs of a soon-to-be-fired coach.

Let's hope the Saint-Louis Blues can turn this around sooner than later.

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