Subban describes the first time he ever got punched in the face.

Subban describes the first time he ever got punched in the face.

Subban describes his first physical altercation.



There's no question that Nashville Predators defenseman P.K. Subban has long been one of the most polarizing figures in the sport of hockey. Subban in many ways has shattered the mold of the traditional hockey player and has embraced a much more brash and celebrity focused lifestyle that has quite frankly served him well up until this point. It's for that reason that the man has dedicated fans and haters alike and it's thanks to that popularity that we get spinets like this into his life.

NBC Sports has embarked on a journey called "The P.K. Project" in which they take a much more in depth look at the life of P.K. Subban, shocking given the title I know, and get behind the scenes to figure out what really makes such a brash and outspoken personality such as his tick. The project has provided a ton of insight into the life and history of Subban but one particular episode released last week takes a look at one of his earliest hockey memories as a player coming up the professional ranks. 

On this episode of The P.K. Project Subban reveals the first time he ever got punched on the face in the ice and it is a surprisingly humble story on his part. Subban openly admits that he was completely overwhelmed by the moment and even that he was thoroughly dominated in the fight itself, but added that with the beating came a very important lesson. That lesson of course is that nothing in life worth having comes without having to first pay a significant price in order to achieve it, and hearing Subban tell this tale of humiliation and defeat it is very clear that it is a lesson he still carries around with him to this day.

In spite of the fact that this could in theory have been a rather traumatic event in Subban's life the confident Predators defenseman brushes it all off with a laugh and genuinely seems to be in good spirits about things. As an added bonus Subban also shares the tale of his very first night in Nashville on this episode so be sure not to miss out.
