Surprising report out of Philly on head coach John Tortorella
Zuma Press  

Surprising report out of Philly on head coach John Tortorella

Torts out!?



The Philadelphia Flyers are in the middle of an absolute tailspin. 

The Flyers have fallen out of a playoff spot thanks to a dreadful eight game losing streak. Head coach John Tortorella has seemingly tried everything to get his team back on track but nothing is working. He's played both Good Cop and Bad Cop with his players and the media the past two weeks, but neither approach has had much positive effect.

“They need to answer the questions,” Tortorella said of his team after a blowout loss to the Montreal Canadiens on Tuesday night.

“I don’t question their effort because it’s been a strong group all year long,” he added. “I’m frustrated for them because this was rock bottom tonight for us and I hate to see us at this time of year be playing this way after all the good minutes we’ve put in throughout the year.”

There are now reports out of Philadelphia that Tortorella's job could be on the line and that GM Daniel Briere may elect to go with a fresh face behind the bench for next season.

Not a chance though, says TSN insider Darren Dreger.

Last night Dreger reported that Tortorella's job is not in jeopardy and that he'll remain the Flyers' head coach indefinitely.

Check it out:

I haven't followed the Flyers closely until this most recent slump, but to me coaching doesn't seem to be their issue. This team needs a goaltender to step up and provide them with some stability. Unfortunately though it looks like they've simply run out of time on the campaign.

Source: Darren Dreger