The Coyotes made huge blunder of the voting night!  

The Coyotes made huge blunder of the voting night!

How could they not see this coming?!



There have been a lot of reports even since it was announced on Tuesday night that a public vote went against a proposed Tempe Sports and Entertainment district that would have kept the Arizona Coyotes in the East Valley city.
However one report that stands out is from Ken Campbell who revealed that not only did the Coyotes expected to win the vote by 10 points, maybe more, but that they had dare to secure a venue for a victory party…

I mean come on, were they living under a rock in the desert? A few weeks ago, it was reported by Frank Seravalli that the team was getting worried about the upcoming referendum and even had sent members of their front office door-to-door canvassing to tip the voting in their favours.

And now we find out that on Tuesday, the Coyotes were already planning a celebration party? This is a huge blunder by the team, who now looks like a bunch of idiots. Almost homeless idiots that is…

The Coyotes said they were “very disappointed.” The NHL went one further by being, “terribly disappointed.”
But I don’t understand how they didn’t see it coming.

While many fans and pundits believe it is time for the Coyotes to leave Arizona, rumours emerged early on Wednesday that NHL commissioner Gary Bettman may have found a way for his special team to remain in the desert.

But one thing is clear : this is a mess. So messy that a party was even planned when we all knew the voting was going against the Coyotes.


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