Tie Domi fires back at Georges Laraque over Reaves comments.
Tie Domi  

Tie Domi fires back at Georges Laraque over Reaves comments.

Former Toronto Maple Leafs enforcer Tie Domi has jumped into the mix, firing back at George Laraque.

Jonathan Larivee

After a career in which they spent fighting one another on the ice, it seems that some former National Hockey League enforcers have now taken to battling one another on social media.

Over the weekend former NHL enforcer Georges Laraque made headlines when he took some shots at current Toronto Maple Leafs enforcer Ryan Reaves. Laraque had some less than flattering things to say about Reaves, all of which stemmed from the fact that Reaves had delivered a beatdown to Montreal Canadiens forward Michael Pezzetta. While it's certainly true that Pezzetta was outmatched, he was also only challenged by Reaves due to a questionable hit he delivered to Maple Leafs forward David Kampf.

The outburst from Laraque has now prompted another former NHL enforcer to fire back in his direction, with former Toronto Maple Leafs enforcer Tie Domi now calling out Laraque. Domi responded to Laraque and argued that the former enforcer would have done exactly the same thing Reaves did in that situation, all the while calling out Laraque for not respecting what Domi described as the "brotherhood."

"[George] you know you would have done the same thing if someone hit one of your teammates like Pezzetta on Kampf," wrote Domi. "Reavo is playing great & getting ready for the playoffs he didn’t want to fight but he had too.

"George I love ya brotherhood always sticks together."

I think it's safe to say the rivalry between the Maple Leafs and Canadiens is alive and well.