Toronto man turns his backyard rink into the Mona Lisa

Toronto man turns his backyard rink into the Mona Lisa

Not gonna lie… that’s impressive.



Chances are if you’re a hockey fan who grew up in Canada or the Northern U.S. you’ve had the privilege of skating in the great outdoors. Whether it was on a pond, a frozen field or a backyard rink, chances are your introduction to the game was outdoors in a cold winter afternoon. 

If you didn’t know, the outdoor rink (or ODR) phenomenon was caught fire on social media with people sharing their best backyard rinks on Instagram pages like ODR Heaven.

Check out some of these beauties:

Beauty… almost a work of art. And then there’s a real work of art. 

Check out the creative way this Toronto ODR owner cleared a recent snowfall off his rink:

It’s beautiful! Now… clear it off so we can drop the puck already!

Source: BlogTO