Two heartbreaking updates on Trevor Zegras...

Two heartbreaking updates on Trevor Zegras...

Poor guy…



Pain and heartbreak ar what Anaheim Ducks star forward Trevor Zegras is deadling with. Following Tuesday’s 5-3 win over the Nashville Predators, the Ducks were left without the young forward, who couldn’t finish the game, leaving the ice with the help of a team’s trainer. During the first period, the 2019 ninth-overall pick fell awkwardly into the boards and appeared in pain.

On Wednesday, Ducks head coach Greg Cronin stated that Zegras will miss some time due to a lower-body injury.

This injury comes on top of a difficult situation for the forward to deal with as he has just recenlty lost his best friend on the team. The bond they shared came under the magnifying glass when Drysdale was traded to the Philadelphia Flyers, along with a draft pick, in return for forward Cutter Gauthier on Monday.

Team insider Derek Lee of The Athletic got some quotes out from both players on how close they are, and you can only imagine how hard it must have been for Zegras to find out he was losing his buddy in a trade out East.

“We pretty much do everything together. We pee together. We get injured together. We sleep together. It was good to push each other. Getting on the ice with the injuries that we had were tough.

“To know that somebody was going through similar stuff that you were definitely made it a little bit easier. Getting your conditioning and that stuff back kind of s**ks, so it’s nice to look over and see somebody grinding on the bike next to you, so that definitely helps.”

Drysale, who also was Zegras’ roomate for their time in Anaheim, added this before he was traded:

“He’s great. He’s awesome. As you can tell right now, he doesn’t shut up. Nice to have him around. He’s been playing some good hockey as well, so, hopefully, we can all keep it going.”

You can just feel how tough this must be for Zegras, who has landed too in trade chatter. There is a growing sense in Anaheim that it would be wrong to waste Zegras’ talents on a roster that does not look anywhere close to eventually making the postseason. The Ducks are currently seventh in the Pacific division, 14 points back of the last Wild Card spot in the Western Conference.

What’s next for the poor Zegras?

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