Update: Youth coach who allegedly received racist text messages outed as a liar?

Update: Youth coach who allegedly received racist text messages outed as a liar?

This disturbing story takes an even more disturbing twist.



Earlier this month we covered a story in which a minor hockey coach from Windsor, Ontario allegedly received a text message from one of his young players’ father’s who disagreed with the coach teaching his son due to his race and religion.

Check it out here.

In short, Talha Javaid claimed that he received a text from a parent named Chase who was concerned that his son Riley was being coached in hockey by a “Muslim guy” and demanded that Javaid resign from his coaching position. The incident went viral and Javaid received support from NHL several NHL players.

Now though, Lansing, Michigan broadcaster WILX 10 is digging deeper into Javaid’s allegations and… well they’re having a difficult time getting to the bottom of things.

Check out this account of things courtesy WILX 10’s website:

But the question remains, who is Chase and where exactly was Javaid coaching? News 10 spoke to a Yahoo Sports reporter who said Javaid told her it was at Suburban Ice in East Lansing. Suburban Ice said they did not want to go on camera but have never heard of Javaid nor the ice skating clinic he allegedly was holding.
News 10 checked ice rinks all around East Lansing and the surrounding area- not one says they have heard of him before and no one had him scheduled to coach through their arena.
This isn’t the first time Javaid claims he was a target for racism.
In 2017, he told the Windsor Star he walked out of an ice rink in Windsor and found a note on his car that said stop coming to the rink with some expletives, with Muslim go home and make Canada great again.
News 10 reached out to Javaid and have not heard back.

It’s also worth mentioning that Javaid has made all of his social media accounts private and is not responding to questions. Suffice it to say, it looks like there’s more to this story than meets the eye.

Source: WILX 10