Wayne Gretzky pays Max Domi a massive compliment.

Wayne Gretzky pays Max Domi a massive compliment.

The Great One shared his thoughts on the offseason for the Toronto Maple Leafs and has nothing but praise for Max Domi.

Jonathan Larivee

The Toronto Maple Leafs have had a busy offseason and no doubt there are countless talking heads who will have one opinion or another about how the offseason has gone for one of the National Hockey League's most talked about franchises. It's one thing when a random talking head shares their thoughts though, and another matter entirely when The Great One himself speaks up.

Recently none other than Wayne Gretzky himself was a guest on Leafs Morning Take, and it was during his appearance there that Gretzky, entirely unprompted, showered some high praise on one Max Domi.

"One of the things that I'm really impressed with is that Max had some offers, two or three year offers to go to other cities, and he chose in his heart 'I'm gonna go there, I'm gonna take a little bit less money, I wanna be a Leaf and show people that I can earn another contract' and that's what you want as an organization," said Gretzky. "You want your guys to be hungry right?"

Gretzky would go on to add that he feels Domi will be uniquely equipped to deal with the intense pressure that comes with playing in a market like Toronto, believing that his father, legendary Maple Leaf Tie Domi, will be there to guide him when he needs it.

"I think he's gonna do great in Toronto," said Gretzky. "Tie can help him with all the stress and pressure that other cities maybe don't have, and I think this is a really nice signing, not only for Max, but also for the Maple Leafs."