Breaking: Blue Jay suspended for a whopping 80 games by MLB.
Keystone Press.  

Breaking: Blue Jay suspended for a whopping 80 games by MLB.

A huge embarrassment for the organization.



The Toronto Blue Jays got some very bad publicity today, like through no fault of their own.

According to multiple reports Major League Baseball has issued a whopping 80 game suspension to Blue Jays first baseman Chris Colabello after he tested positive for a performance enhancing substance, a substance that was in violation of MLB's substance abuse policy.

It's shocking news, and many who cover the team have already expressed their disbelief that a player with the physique and character of Colabello would have used such a substance, but regardless of how people feel about him, he has been busted for dehydrochlormethyltestosterone. Colabello's statement would seem to indicate this caught him completely off guard, and furthermore indicates he was not aware of the substance in his system.

Colabello released the following statement.:

"On March 13, I got one of the scariest and most definitely the least-expected phone calls of my entire life. I was informed by the players' association that a banned substance was found in my urine," Colabello said. "I have spent every waking moment since that day trying to find an answer as to why or how?"

"I would never compromise the integrity of the game of baseball," Colabello said. "I am saddened more for the impact this will have on my teammates, the organization and the fans of the Toronto Blue Jays. I hope that before anyone passes judgment on me they can take a look at the man that I am, and everything that I have done to get to where I am in my career."

Many in the Toronto media have expressed their belief that Colabello is a character guy,l whether or not you choose to believe his side of the story will likely greatly impact how you view this situation.