Anthony Mantha lands a huge punch with McKegg already down on the ice.

Anthony Mantha lands a huge punch with McKegg already down on the ice.

Mantha continues to deliver punishment until the officials step it.



The Detroit Red Wings were facing off against the Tampa Bay Lightning on Friday night and things got very heated after what looked like a late hit on Dylan Larkin.

It was Red Wings forward Anthony Mantha who went to Larkin's defense, challenging Tampa Bay's Greg McKegg. After some jostling between the two men Mantha managed to remove McKegg's helmet and shortly after that McKegg went down from what didn't look like much of a punch.

For Anthony Mantha however, the fight wasn't over there, he held on to McKegg and then followed him down to the ice raining down two more big punches. One could argue the first was delibered with McKegg on his way down, but the second punch came well after McKegg had already hit the ice. 

Here's a look at the video.
