Calder trophy contender is down after taking elbow to the face!

Calder trophy contender is down after taking elbow to the face!

Jake Dotchin expecting obvious call from the department of player safety!



Calder trophy contender is down after taking elbow to the face.

Matthew Tkachuk is the new pest around the league. You have to hand it to him, for a rookie in the National Hockey League Matthew Tkachuk is always willing to get into your face or under your skin. 

Last night the Calgary Flames were playing against the Tampa Bay Lightning. The young sensation Matthew Tkachuk stayed down on the ice after taking Jake Dotchin’s elbow to the face. In one common scene Matthew Tkachuk got pushed into Jake Dotchin and this is when the cheap shot happened.

Judge it by yourself.

Does Jake Dotchin should get a call from the department of player safety?

Source: Sportsnet