Don Cherry shares controversial take on Morgan Rielly incident.
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Don Cherry shares controversial take on Morgan Rielly incident.

Don Cherry shared his thoughts on the cross-check that Morgan Rielly delivered to Ridly Greig.

Jonathan Larivee

Legendary National Hockey League analyst Don Cherry has always had an old school type of mentality when it comes to his approach to the sport of hockey, and he has remained consistent in that regard throughout his many decades in the sport.

Keeping that in mind it probably won't surprise you to hear that Cherry had something of a controversial take on the incident that occurred this weekend between the Ottawa Senators and Toronto Maple Leafs. As most of you reading this will know by now, Maple Leafs defenseman Morgan Rielly is facing a massive suspension for a cross-check he delivered to the head of Ottawa Senators forward Ridly Greig, an attack that came in response to Greig firing a slap shot off into the Maple Leafs empty net.

Cherry however, much like Maple Leafs head coach Sheldon Keefe, endorsed the move from Rielly when commenting on the incident.

"I'm glad Rielly was on and I'm glad he did it," admitted Cherry. "I know there's no rule in the book that says 'Don't do that' but you just don't do that."

Morgan Rielly has not historically been known as a dirty player and this may have colored Cherry's opinion on the matter, with Cherry indicating that he does not believe Rielly intentionally targeted Ridly's head.

"It was a spur of the moment thing that did," said Cherry. "I think he meant to get him on the shoulder but he got him on the back of the neck."