NHL issues official explanation on controversial goal in Game 4.

NHL issues official explanation on controversial goal in Game 4.

The National Hockey League has released an official explanation of the controversial goal in Game 4.

Jonathan Larivee

There was a controversial moment during Sunday night's clash between the Boston Bruins and Florida Panthers in the second round of the Stanley Cup finals, a moment that has enraged fans of the aforementioned Boston Bruins.

During Game 4, Florida Panthers forward Sam Bennett scored a goal shortly after shoving Bruins forward Charlie McAvoy into Bruins goaltender Jeremy Swayman. The Bruins felt that the shove from Bennett should have resulted in the goal being waived off, but it was ruled a good goal on the ice and that call was upheld upon further video review.

Here's a look at the goal in question:

The failed coach's challenge would of course result in a 2 minute minor penalty for the Bruins, something that only further infuriated an already furious Bruins fan base. Bruins head coach Jim Montgomery was no exception as he exploded behind the Bruins bench after the ruling was announced in the building.

In what is perhaps an effort to smooth things over, the NHL has released it's official ruling on the matter. Unfortunately for the league this appears to have only further fanned the flames of controversy surrounding this goal. Here is the league's official ruling, unedited and in full:

Coach's Challenge: FLA @BOS -
3:41 of the Third Period
Challenge Initiated By:
ype of Challenge: Goaltender Interference
Original call is confirmed - Goal Florida

Video review supported the Referees' call on the ice that that the shove by Florida's Sam Bennett on Charlie Coyle and the subsequent contact with Jeremy Swayman did not prevent Swayman from playing his position in the crease prior to Bennett's goal.
2:00 minor penalty: Delay of Game - Unsuccessful Challenge