NHL pays tribute to Adam Johnson before Heritage Classic.

NHL pays tribute to Adam Johnson before Heritage Classic.

In a great show of class, the NHL paid tribute to former Pittsburgh Penguins forward Adam Johnson.

Jonathan Larivee

The National Hockey League is hosting one of its biggest games of the year on Sunday, but much to the league's credit they took time to address a topic that has been in the hearts and minds of the hockey community this weekend.

Prior to the start of today's Heritage Classic between the Calgary Flames and Edmonton Oilers, the league paid tribute to former Pittsburgh Penguins forward Adam Johnson. Johnson suffered a terrible on ice injury on Saturday during a game between the Nottingham Panthers and Sheffield Steelers of the Elite Ice Hockey League, one that tragically proved to be fatal.

On behalf of the league, the Edmonton Oilers, the Calgary Flames and the entire hockey community, the league asked all in attendance to stand and remove their hats before sending their condolences to Johnson's family, friends and teammates and calling for a moment of silence.