Breaking: NHL Legend Wayne Gretzky speaks out against the NHL.

Breaking: NHL Legend Wayne Gretzky speaks out against the NHL.

Strong words from the great one.



Either Wayne Gretzky has just thrown tremendous support behind the players currently embroiled in a legal battle with the National Hockey League, or he did so accidentally, and frankly we don't believe he's oblivious to the whole situation.

In a recent interview published by Mike Zeisberger for the Toronto Sun Gretzky revealed that players back in his day did not know what a concussion was.

“We probably didn’t know what a concussion was back in those days,” Gretzky told the Sun on Wednesday night. “It was more a case of “Take two aspirins and come back in the morning.”

“If you had a headache, maybe you practised, maybe you didn’t practise.”

This has been the NHL's entire defense throughout this case, that the players should have known the dangers of repeated head trauma, and now the highest profile player in the game has seemingly shut that defense down with a single statement.
