Goalie breaks into beer store in full gear, makes off with a couple cases

Goalie breaks into beer store in full gear, makes off with a couple cases

When you've got a late game and the stores are all closed!



Here's a blast from the past to lighten your work week up a little.

Back in August of 2016 officers in Russell, Manitoba issued a public announcement urging anyone with information on a goalie B&E at the local beer store to come forward. Seriously...

From the RCMP's statement:

A break-in occurred again at the Russell C-Store Beer Vendor. The video surveillance caught a man entering the store wearing a ball cap and his face covered. Shortly after….a goalie, yes a goalie, entered the store to assist the first man in carrying away several cases of beer. He was described as having a medium build, wearing goalie pads, blocker and trapper, and carrying a goalie stick. He was ready to play. Too bad there weren’t any refs, as they would have thrown this thieving goalie in the penalty box for a while! The RCMP have never seen a disguise like this before! Police are reviewing surveillance and investigations are ongoing. 

Wow! Looks like old Bob Essensa has fallen on some hard times!

In all seriousness, this is unlike anything I've ever heard before. It's either genius or idiotic because, if I know goalies, someone is going to be able to identify this guy simply by the make and model of his Sherwood. Goalies are notorious gear whores and I know several goalies with an encyclopedic knowledge of goalie gear that they've never even worn. This criminal better not strap on his looting pads at the rink or he's going to risk outing himself.

Check out the video of the break in:

Hmmm... now that I think about it... I think I've seen this before:

Source: Russell RCMP