Players reflect on terrible tragedy today during World Cup training.
Keystone Press 

Players reflect on terrible tragedy today during World Cup training.

The worst tragedy in hockey's history took place 5 years ago today.



Today marks the five year anniversary of the the worst tragedy in the history of the gamer of hockey, an incident known as the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl air disaster.

If you're not familiar with the events, in 2011 43 people were killed in a horrific plane crash when a plane carrying every member of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl roster crashed just two minutes after takeoff. Everyone on board, including 4 members of Lokomotiv's youth program, was killed in the crash with the exception of Alexander Sizov, an avionics flight engineer.

Today during their preparations for the World Cup, the members of Team Russia shared a moment of silence for their fallen countrymen, honoring their memory in a great show of class from everyone involved.

What makes this particular tragedy so hard to accept is the fact that it was very much avoidable, with the investigation into the crash eventually learning that both the pilot and co-pilot had forged documents to obtain permission to fly the aircraft, and it was their errors that led to the fatal crash that claimed so many innocent lives.


Gone but not forgotten.